Having taken off the airbox to see what is there ive found a sensor/sender unit screwed into the block between the starter and the dizzy when looking side on.
Ther are two spade connections on it but only one white wire connected. I can't find it illustrated in the parts manual so any ideas what it is?
If its an oil pressure sender then thats odd as my oil guage works.
Thoughts please
What is it?
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- Hawaiis0
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Re: What is it?
A photo would help
Here's my SA engine as a comparison
Here's my SA engine as a comparison
Nothing is fool proof. Fools are clever!
- Tanz
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Re: What is it?
That is the oil pressure sensor. Only has one wire as body acts as an earth. Guess it is common to other cars that require 2 wires.
My replacement only had one connection post
My replacement only had one connection post
Cheers, Phil
Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway!
Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway!
Re: What is it?
I agree a photo would be best.
Still waiting for my computer guy to set up the secondhand laptop for this purpose.
Thanks for the clarification ...it just looked odd with only one spade being connected.
Having taken off the airbox ive noted that the vac pipe going from the crankcase breather valve to the cold enrichment valve is crushed which cannot help the running on an SA.
To replace this it looks like back carb off but maybe that might be a good call and replace the "O" rings which might be a leak area anyway.
Still waiting for my computer guy to set up the secondhand laptop for this purpose.
Thanks for the clarification ...it just looked odd with only one spade being connected.
Having taken off the airbox ive noted that the vac pipe going from the crankcase breather valve to the cold enrichment valve is crushed which cannot help the running on an SA.
To replace this it looks like back carb off but maybe that might be a good call and replace the "O" rings which might be a leak area anyway.
- rbgosling
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Re: What is it?
Worth checking the wiring diagram, but I think one spade is for the gauge (gives a continuously varying resistance with oil pressure), and one is for the warning light (either on or off). I think both spades have wires connected on my car. That said, my car was consistently reading somewhat high, until recently when it stopped showing any reading at all, so there's no certainty mine is connected up correctly either...
"Farmer" Richard
1990 Lotus Excel SE (Lilith)
2022 MG MG5 EV (not due to be a classic for quite a few years...)
2011 Nissan Leaf (Ragly - EV pioneer, must be due to be a classic one day)
1990 Lotus Excel SE (Lilith)
2022 MG MG5 EV (not due to be a classic for quite a few years...)
2011 Nissan Leaf (Ragly - EV pioneer, must be due to be a classic one day)