Another youtube project

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Another youtube project

Post by Zag »

Chance of them completing it or realising the parts cost vs what it will be worth and giving up?

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by ChrisJ »

I think that this will be fully restored and not given up.

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by TonyL »

He doesn't seem short on enthusiasm. I think he'll get it at least as far as an MOT & then, hopefully, keep going until he's really happy with it.

If he didn't pay too much for it, then I think by the time it gets an MOT the total cost will be less than the car's value (assuming the new owner can do almost everything himself & man-hours have zero cost).

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Zag »

Not saying it can't be done but I can see 3k in parts not including suspension, paint or anything unknowns once it gets running.
He had to borrow from his Dad to buy it so think when he works it out it'll be on marketplace as an unfinished project or broken for spares.

What I can see it needs:-
Battery 100
Tyres 300
Cam belt 40
Tensioner 50
Water pump 290
Aux belts 30
Front and rear disks 180
Front and rear pads 100
Front and rear calipers rebuild 200
Headlining 300
Door beams 430
Door frames 600
Door handles 250
Carb rebuild 100

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by TonyL »

Oh well, you're probably right then. I've only watched a few minutes of the video so far. I didn't realise he'd borrowed from his dad to buy the car. I was guessing he'd paid up to £2k for it (given we've seen a few better looking projects go for £2.5 recently) & £3k would be enough to get it through an MOT. Perhaps the existing door beams can be patched up. If it needs new door frames, that's not good.

Hopefully, Mike will find his way over here soon, & those in the know, can offer advice.

Mike, if you see this, I have a set of four Hifly 205/50/15s (these are the recommended size for Excels these days). Mfr date, week 13, 2021. I think they've done less than 1,500 miles. I took them off my Excel soon after buying it. Yours (or anybody elses) for £50 if you come & get them. My advice is: don't buy these; buy Toyos instead, if your budget allows.

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Mec »

Hi Guys
I found my way here ! Glad you found my video ! Rest assured the Excel will see the road again ! I cant say how quickly il get it done but I don't give up easily !
I have restored various cars in the past (pre youtube) including my Delorean and Ford Capri 2.8i
I hope you enjoy the future videos on the Lotus ! Feel free to look at my back catalogue on my channel, I have 120 videos on there now, on various cars that I own or have owned and some friends cars too.

I am very grateful for any help and advice you can give on the Excel

All the best Mike

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by supraholic »

I've enjoyed watching several British automotive television shows including Wheeler Dealers, Car SOS and Salvage Hunters. Being here in Texas where it rarely ever rains and "snow" is just a word in the dictionary, I am always shocked at the amount of rust on the subject cars in Britain. A car can look like an orange lace curtain and they'll still take it on. However, I suspect that they probably would not do it unless it was 1) good for TV ratings and 2) being funded by advertising.

I expect that the worse a car is to start with and the more impressive the transformation at the end of the series, the greater the number of views, likes and subscribes you'll get. I don't know if you'll get enough money out of YT to cover the difference between the final sale price and the restoration cost but I can't imagine that particular Excel would have been rescued on its own merits without an external motivating factor such as generating viewership. For whatever its worth, I'll watch and cheer you on. Good luck.
Phil - 86 Excel SE

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Mec »

Hi Phil

I'm afraid what u earn from youtube every month wouldn't even buy a door handle for it ! Maybe one day it might but at the moment I am small fry in the youtube world, I really enjoy bringing cars back to life and the challenges that it presents (although when its all going wrong you do wonder why your doing it ! haha)
I was on the Wheeler Dealers Show back in 2011 when they did their Delorean, the sale/handover at the end of the episode was done at our Delorean club meet in norfolk and both me and my car were in a few shots, it was a great day !
I hope you enjoy the progress on the Lotus, it may take a while but it will get there :D
All the best Mike

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Mec »

Hi Guys

Part 3 is now live on Youtube ...

All the best MEC

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by rbgosling »

Hi Mike,

A few comments from watching the video:
  • Looking in the boot the fuel tank I wouldn't expect to be a problem, since it's not vulnerable to rust there. More likely to be an issue is the SU fuel pump (top right of the boot), if it doesn't tick there are various options, first just give it a hit, failing that it could be completely replaced, or just replace the points with new ones or (better) the solid-state alternatives that are now available, or just replace the whole pump with a different sort, I got an imitation Facet that works fine for a fraction of the price of an SU.
  • That dash top - I pulled out the dash at the NEC Resto Show last March, it's not that hard a job. For trim/fabric/leather, I've found Martrim to be a cheaper option than Woolies, and I'm very happy with the quality, roof lining came from there too.
  • Boot lamp is at the lock, you won't have seen it as you were leaning over it!
  • Yes, that is a light in the door, it should come on with the interior light when the door is open.
  • That immobiliser I'd guess is aftermarket. It's certainly different to mine, and I'm sure mine was aftermarket judging by how it was installed. A few months ago it decided not to supply power to the coil, so I've bypassed that feature now!
  • I noticed the oil pressure switch jumped to max when you turned ignition on - either the sensor is disconnected (somewhere along), or possibly the sender is duff.
  • The blower for the heater is behind the glove box. The motor can be removed from below without taking the whole box out. Adopt the "Lotus position" - everyone's favourite, lying upside-down with your head in the footwell!
  • From underneath the car, that metal strap you spotted is for the rear seat belt anchors.
  • Taking the head off is do-able with the engine in situ, but it's a bit awkward. I'd say it certainly needs doing though! But you don't need to pull the whole engine at this stage, I reckon. You'll need to disconnect the exhaust downpipe from the manifold, then undo the LH engine mount and jack the engine up a bit, otherwise you'll not get the manifold past the front wing.
  • While it's off, replace the exhaust manifold studs and nuts, mine had rusted to unidentifiable stumps and they are a PITA to access too. I used stainless studs and brass nuts, so they won't rust next time; I'd advise using threadlock so they don't work loose again (I failed to do that!).
  • Be careful not to knock the cylinder liners while the head is off, they are separate liners (Nikasil-coated aluminium) that are a press-fit into the block, but without the head to clamp them down they are quite easily jogged.
Good luck, we look forward to seeing how you progress. And you have my sympathy for that moment when the spark plug snapped - your heart must have sunk. Probably best you weren't filming at that moment, it may have been unbroadcastable!
"Farmer" Richard

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by TonyL »

Well done, Richard. Your good work is helping me too.

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Mec »

Hi Richard

Thanks so much for all the info, its very helpful indeed ! Yes when that plug snapped a few choice words were said ! Not only because of the plug snapping but also because I punched myself in the face in the process :lol:

Also Tony, I did send you a PM about the tyres you have if they are still available

All the Best Mike

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by TonyL »

Sorry about that, Mike. I hadn't noticed there was a message until I read your post. I've just replied. Please report back here if you can't see my reply.

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by MetBlue »

Watched through your 3rd video.
Regards that passenger door, this is whats going on inside :

Pretty obvious, but that box section should run nice and solidly to the hinge bar. Repairs not impossible if you're handy with the TIG, but difficult to stop bends and twisting which can make door set up awkward later.
As richard said, Lotus Bits are your best source for a usable ( or easily repairable) beam.

here a link to my running resto thread from when I did exactly the same job as you'll be needing to.

On those electrics, I'd start by taking every fuse out, clean and check, and the same for all relays. I'd put money on this solving 90% of any issues.

Your car does look remarkably dry inside. That's very fortunate. Many a car has had the interior trim trashed by being left outside and off the road.

Good luck and look forward to seing your progress.

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Re: Another youtube project

Post by Mec »

Hi Tony
Thanks for the reply and info, I will deffo have a look at your resto ! As you will see though Im having a few issues in the engine dept atm :shock:

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