Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

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Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

Post by MetBlue »

Does anyone know the lengths / part numbers each belt is meant to be on a Late Excel.
I have the 3 belt arrangement.
According to parts list, each belt is a different length ( or at least part number)
Alternator ...................... A907E6332
Water/ power Steering . ..A910E6638 ( for MY 85 onwards)
A/C .................................A910E6656.

Have been changing the timing belt today and took 2 hours just to get the Vee belts off !!!
Turns out all 3 belts are the same ( Gates 6462MC). Seems about right for the alternator, but the other two positions are clearly too short.
For the Power steering, the adjustment was set to minimum and I could only get the belt off by removing the water pump pulley.
For the A/c, even with the adjuster removed, I had to treat the belt removal like taking a tyre off a motorcycle wheel. - Really difficult.

Any known sizes appreciated.

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Re: Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

Post by Hawaiis0 »

Dont think they should be the same. I seem to recall them being sequential. 6462, 6463,6464 etc. I do have ac though.
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Re: Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

Post by barker_001 »

Hi Tony, not sure about the aircon, but these are definitely the right belts for the others:

Alternator - Gates 6263MC
PAS / Water Pump - Gates 6264MC

I had a variety of other manufacturer's belts on there before, and had problems with slippage. The Gates belts seem to suit the pulleys well, and don't need a ridiculous amount of tension to grip them. Worth seeking out as opposed to any "alternatives".

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Re: Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

Post by MetBlue »

Thanks Bryan.
That confirms what I'd heard from LB.
Apparently the A/c Compressor belt is a different cross section, but since the A/C isn't working on my car currently ( And I have more important things to do with the - Like driving it :) ), that can wait.

Was thinking I had at least one belt correct, but just realised my belts are 6462, not 6264. Time to Google their relative lengths.

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Re: Vee Belts - Alternative Part No's?

Post by Alan_M »

Tony, I have just picked up my “new” car which came with a fair few spares, including a set of belts all marked up with what they are for.

The alternator and PAS belts are as Bryan has said and in addition there is a belt marked A/C which is a 6462MC - the one belt you have. This belt is wider than the other 2.

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