NEC Restoration Show - 21-23 March 2025

Any social or anti-social get togethers, track days, shows, stag nights etc. that may be of interest to members. The occational blast down the road, or trip down to the local.

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NEC Restoration Show - 21-23 March 2025

Post by rbgosling »

I've put in an application for next year's Resto Show at the NEC. No need to make any detailed plans yet, I'll put out a call for display cars 2-3 months before the show, although you are all welcome to make suggestions before then.

I'll try and arrange my life so I can actually attend all 3 days next year and bring my car! No doubt most of my to-do list will still need doing 11 months from now, unless something more major breaks between now and then. Toying with the idea of pulling the engine, just so I can re-do the exhaust manifold nuts, some of which have worked loose/off, and are a bugger to reach with the engine fitted - we'll see...
"Farmer" Richard

1990 Lotus Excel SE (Lilith)
2022 MG MG5 EV (not due to be a classic for quite a few years...)
2011 Nissan Leaf (Ragly - EV pioneer, must be due to be a classic one day)

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