About time I gave an update on progress, so here goes .....
I'll do it in two goes as there are really two stages to progress (or lack of it) since I last posted.
First stage is up to around mid July :
Thanks to Tony I managed to get the headlamps out so I was able to look at the gubbins inside and think about a fault diagnosis for them not moving
All looked pretty reasonable inside to be fair, including crash panels intact which I understand is a good sign
However, I decided to put off doing work on this and focus on getting out for a test drive.
I was going to just take the car out, but thought it perhaps best to do the steering gaiters first as I already had a pair and it's an easy job right ?
Here started my ups and downs .....
First I found the front wheel nuts were barely more than finger tight ! Good job I didn't take it out for a run.
Then a positive as it looks like the discs and pads are pretty well unused - I suspect they were done a while ago, as they are fairly rusty, but nevertheless, a bit of good news. Also, the front wheel bearings look to have been done.
Ball joints all good with rubber boots intact, except for the top ball joints, so obviously it made sense to do those at the same time as the steering gaiters.
I decided to leave the track rod ends connected to the steering arms to avoid the risk of damaging the rubber boots as they look in decent condition :
The RH track rod and track rod end separated nicely and I went to put on the gaiter - which did not fit !!
The LH track rod absolutely would not play ball - the lock nut was stuck solid.
On the positive side I cleaned up, regreased and rebooted the top joint and that went back together nicely.
I didn't want to separate the RH top joint while I had the steering disconnected, so left that one.
Then followed several weeks of WD40 and repeat tries at separating the LH track rod end lock nut.
I also got busy at work and time ticked away with me feeling a bit down about the car.
On the positive side, I hadn't enjoyed work so much for ages, so I mostly forgot about it, and the poor Lotus sat on axle stands all neglected until October when the story resumes.
I'll post an update of October to present in the next couple of days.
Cheers All and Merry Christmas,